Hair Breakage - Causes, Symptoms, Treatment & Prevention


Want to GROW your hair and also thicken it? This next Divine Locks Complex nutrient is a MUST-HAVE!

It’s called Silica.

Don’t get it confused with the type used to create stretchy leggings…

This type of Silica is safe to ingest and proven to grow and thicken your hair…

One double-blind, placebo-controlled study…

Involving women aged between 21 and 75 years…

Showed that Silica promoted “significant hair growth in women”… xxiv

How big? 124% more hair growth!

Isn’t that amazing? And it’s not the only study proving how good silica is…Another randomized control study involved 48 women… xxviThey were split into two groups.

Half received a placebo, half had a Silica tablet.In the group that took silica

Click here about this product


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